Hello all, welcome to the Empirical Pocket Books website. Here, you’ll find all things Empirical Pocket Books has to offer and information on upcoming products and possibly events. However, our first goal is to get this self-help, coloring, book onto the hands of those in need of it. So take advantage of this humble beginning and help this underdog company rise from the bottom to the top.
Our first product is the pocket book that helps its readers get over their cheating spouse. Rightfully titled CHEATERS, this booklet has all you’ll need to help you go through all your emotions and then get over the relationship…if that’s what you want. In the book, you’ll find suggested music playlists to listen to, a list of movies to watch, a few games, and some ideas to pull off. Not to mention, you’ll also have plenty of wisdom to read through and the awesome pages of illustrations to color. You’ll love this book so much, you’ll wish you had bought two copies.